Edible Arrangements: Deadlines and Desserts




It has been a month!

A lot of things are changing at my current job - people are leaving. Some for vacation while others for a new chapter opening in their lives.

This has meant extra work for me and a bit less camping/travelling.

As of recently, I’ve been spending my time immersing myself in various groups within the main city. I’ve started taking dance lessons and playing open mic nights with a few fellow musicians on bass!

Venue in Hanoi that features a once lucrative (pre-covid) open mic nigtht!

Venue in Hanoi that features a once lucrative (pre-covid) open mic nigtht!

The past few weeks I’ve been bogged down with music work paired with my teaching duties. Desserts have been my beacon of light through the darkness!

There’s a bakery in Hanoi that specializes in ALL types of delicacies and I just. can’t. get. enough of it.

No personal pictures because they barely last the length of an inhale BUT, I happened to have one of these berry bars last week and it was divine!






Man! I’ve been hunkering down the past month and a half finishing up work for a project or three. Of course, as luck would have it, a bunch of deadlines all converged within the same day/week!

  • Finished the main theme and an alpha “ready” version of the battle theme for Kindred Fates (or my BIG project)

  • Finished writing out music/sfxs for a LOVELY puzzle game.

  • Applied to a masters composition program.

  • Finished GIGABUSTER!


  • Create a cost efficient, portable 'recording' booth’

  • Re-record instruments for Seaside cafe using aforementioned booth.

  • Release my work for Seaside Cafe (I really like it)

  • Work on creating alternative battle themes for the Kindred Fates arena (there were 3 planned in total)

  • Look for work!

  • Keep pushing my 1 to 1 scoring stream and my Composing Fundamentals!


  • Work with session musicians to record performances for Kindred Fates

  • Start work on Kindred Fates vertical slice music

  • Start work on music packs, residual income streams

  • Look for more scoring work!


I’ve been thinking more and more about manifesting my future after this year. If you’ve been reading my blog semi-frequently, you might remember my proclimating into the ether desires for the year:

From - Edible Arrangements: Dry Spells and Being Covid Free

This year, I’m going to get at least 2 gigs that are going to pay me my rate.

And… it happened.

I asked for two and y’all, I got two.

It has made me ponder what else can be uttered into fruition (albeit paired with hardwork, focus and, lets be honest, luck).

I want to do this again but I know that deep in my heart, I want things to focus more on long-term growth versus short-term stability.

What I mean by that is creating avenues that will lend itself to financial stability without direct involvement from me (i.e. residual income).

So, how about going a step further.

This year..

  1. I’ll get 3 projects that pay me my rate and also be able to work with a returning client on a project that is successful (i.e. netting the dev decent revenue).

  2. I will earn a livable wage (based on a steady set of numbers I’ve been vying for since the start of all this) through freelance work this year.

  3. One of my residual income streams will net a consistent profit for 3 consecutive months.

Number one is important to me primarily because I have had the misfortune of seeing a strong studio fall due to the hardships that come with taking a chance in game development. If I can speak positivity into the universe for not just myself but also others, I think I ought to.